“You realize that all along there was something tremendous within you, and you did not know it.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Thank you for your interest in the Houston Center of Self-Realization Fellowship.
If you want to experience our services and the power of group meditation, you may attend the Sunday reading service at 11 a.m. It is a one-hour service that combines brief periods of prayer, chanting, meditation, readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita, and a reading taken from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda. It is preceded by a meditation service from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. You may meet ushers after the service and learn more about Self-Realization Fellowship as well as the Houston Center.
In addition, we also have a Sunday school program for the young children between the ages of 3-12 from 11 a.m. to 12 (noon). We also have a teen group (ages 13-18) on the first Sunday of every month from 11 a.m. to 12 (noon).
The best source of information for current events at the Houston Center is our weekly newsletter.
Commonly Asked Questions
Who can attend the service?
All are welcome to attend. There is no membership required to attend.
Do I need some prior experience?
There is no prior experience required to attend our service. We meditate with closed eyes, seated on chairs. There is no need to bring any accessories.
How can I learn more about Self Realization Fellowship & Paramahansa Yogananda?
You may begin by reading “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. We have a library at the center where you can borrow books, CDs. As you progress, It is helpful to learn the SRF meditation techniques taught in the online lessons.
Learn to Meditate
There are some nice videos about meditation for beginners on the SRF main website.
The meditation techniques as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda are given in a series of home-study lessons sent from Self Realization Fellowship international headquarter every two weeks.
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Worldwide Prayer Circle
“Worldwide Prayer Circle”
focuses the prayers of SRF devotees around the world to enhance peace and overcome